
> > CS2D > Maps > de_plaza

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alt de_plaza

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Plaza - Bomb/Defuse
Map by United

Counter-Terrorists: Special forces have been called in to protect this plaza from a possible bombing. Eliminate all terrorists and restore peace in the neighbourhood.

Terrorists: Bomb any of the sites and don't let people sleep peacefully.

Players: 3v3, 4v4, 5v5

Download, rate, comment and enjoy !
1× editiert, zuletzt 31.12.10 17:18:24
Zugelassen von GeoB99

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230 kb, 281 Downloads


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Very nice map!! I like it!
Ich mag es!


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Really? Thanks, you also inspire me with your comments


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Wow great job! This inspires me.
Ich mag es!


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Thanks ! Adding a tank/car isn't my style but I'll try next time.


made in Finland
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very creative map indeed. buildings are too big though.
only thing missing is a tank/car for the main route, but its impossible. =( this would make great ctf map


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Thanks for the feedback Andre

About the block.bmp file, I have another one called block.png in the gfx folder and I apparently used that one for the map. Fixed. (That file does also make the pink-like tiles more suitable for the map :P)


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You've improved alot! (wouldn't surprise me if you'd release a mappack sooner or later)

I find the pink-like tiles in the upper building not really attractive, and it doesn't fit with the rest of the tileset in my opinion. Also, when loading the map it gives errors in the console that it cannot load "block.png".
that sprite is supposed to be in .bmp format, I don't know why it is .png here

The rest seems absolutely fine, a very creative map.
I like how you made the road inbetween the buildings,
it really gives an urban-like combat area feeling.
it looks good and balanced.

PS: "T" is good, lose the habit of calling them "TR"
Ich mag es!
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