522: when someone makes fun of you [in real life] for playing cs2d so much, you dress like a terrorist and try to plant a home made bomb at their house.
522: when someone makes fun of you [in real life] for playing cs2d so much, you dress like a terrorist and try to plant a home made bomb at their house.
523: when your booooored of cs2d and start to play Gang Garrison 2! "becouse MiroslavR wont release TF2D" and you play it becouse its a side scroller like soldat!
526: when in cs2d you see a portal cake and try to eat it but some noob tells your cake is a lie!
527: when you think that portal 2 will be released!
528: when you think why Jonzku777 just posted that usless thread! telling that its a useless thread!
535:When you play CS2D till your mouse spoils
536:When you make a totally retarded map in CS2D with only 1 tile.
537:When you say you love Unreal Software for creating CS2D.
(Well,actually i got 535.I played CS2D till my mouse spoilt.
Really!Although it's not totally spoilt.Sometimes it goes online and sometimes it goes offline.)
538: when u start posting maps on forums
539: when u actually take a look on those maps
540: when u download those maps, and dont care that if u dont go to the toilet in this very second, ure gonna crap in ur pants
541. When you shop at wal-mart, you refer to it as a "buy-zone."
542. You actually prefer cs2d over real counter strike.
543. When you answer a spam post on how much you like cs2d.