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Englisch the best OS for you

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alt Umfrage the best OS for you

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

AS for me I do not know What OS is better Windows or Linux
I have Windows7
But i heard Linux is free
MacOS,i think,have lost because other computers are in 2-3 times chiper Mac Computer

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

I like Windows 7, it has nice graphics and that is what i mostly appreciate , not that much of the functionality of the OS.

But I am with Windows XP at the moment.

alt Re: the best OS for you

Cure Pikachu
User On Online

Linux is legally free? Are you serious?
So far, I have Windows 98, Me, XP, and 7, but I think XP is the best among them.

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Pikachu xD hat geschrieben
Linux is legally free? Are you serious?

Yes. Yes it's certainly free. Things don't have always to cost Your money or freedom like most things in the IT unfortunately do.
Here You may ask what Linux is.

So on topic: The best OS for me would be one, that does, what I want. So far I have not found this one, but my Gnu/Linux system is so costumizeable, that it reaches almost the top of my exceptations. The bad side at it would be, that You can break it, if You are too adventurous! (Remember: M$ breaks itself :P) And if You don't know, how to fix it and don't have a backup of Your '/', You have to do, what an M$ user has to do -approximately once a Year... √ (And unfortunately I am an adventurous type and often try 'cool new apps' or games.)

Chart about the point of view of computer users.

And I shall eat my hat, if there are Mac users in this forum...

1× editiert, zuletzt 05.07.10 13:10:18

alt Windows7 is better

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

W7 is better,example,there you can do resolution 16*9,visual keyboard,lope... have down Windows plate with functions:
1)dir:you click it and spawn small window with open dirs
2) hiden icons:you click and spawn small window with icons the part is animated
3)connections:list of avaleble connections
4)+have iron style of windows:bolts,nails(:)...
5)all windows open with step 0.5 mm if other window close it
6)have down plate of window with information
7)have scarch files at all windows
8)my enternet have Bing translator
9)Two screens
     1-Work Box/table
     2-Start screen with ocean before screen Work table

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Ultimate programmer hat geschrieben
W7 is better,example,there you can do resolution 16*9,visual keyboard,lope... have down Windows plate with functions:
1)dir:you click it and spawn small window with open dirs
2) hiden icons:you click and spawn small window with icons the part is animated
3)connections:list of avaleble connections
4)+have iron style of windows:bolts,nails(:)...
5)all windows open with step 0.5 mm if other window close it
6)have down plate of window with information
7)have scarch files at all windows
8)my enternet have Bing translator
9)Two screens
     1-Work Box/table
     2-Start screen with ocean before screen Work table

Two screens? That is so old already! Almost all Linuxes have two or more screens. I vote for Linux, but I stay with Vista because of games.

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

2. Wow! hidden icons.
3. old
8. My internets have that one too.
1, 4-6. And what is that supposed to mean?
9. If You mean 2 (physical) screens; it's nothing peculiar, tho awesome.
If You mean 2 (logical) desktops; this one is really old. (1989) And the one implemented in the X window system is much better, when WP is right.

alt Re: the best OS for you

Alpha Beta
User Off Offline

Here is my opinion:

- Good for games
- Compatibility with major software;

- Price
- Often slow
- NTFS just sucks
- It's bootloader only detects Windows systems
- bloated.
- The Windows updater only updates Microsoft-software
- Every new Windows version needs more and more RAM.

Mac OS X:
- The design?

- The price (Macbooks cost $3000 or something)
- Extra hardware needed
- I heard that even Linux got more software

- You can do what ever you want with it
- Much easier and cleaner software-management than under Windows (updates whole system by one command)
- Most advanced kernel ever
- ext4 > NTFS
- Most of the supercomputers use it.
- Programming is much easier
- Excellent for Hardware from Stoneage
- Compiz kicks Aero's ass

- Needs time to fully maintain
- Not so much games
6× editiert, zuletzt 02.07.10 12:10:00

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

I am sticking to XP because I am a gamer type
Flashy icons or more features doesnt get me in but I would love an OS which has tabbing feature like in current Web browsers
BTW linux seems awesome by your speeches

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Many games work only on Windows, but a lot will work on Linux and/or have Linux versions(I once tried to play SavageII on Linux, and it always crashed. I downloaded Windows version, played through Wine, and it worked O_O).
Also Linux is free and I heard some versions are OpenSource, so you can freely modify it, for example to make closed windows burn, etc, and if you won't find effect you want, you can code it yourself. It's also a lot better if you have low-end computer, because it doesn't take much CPU power.

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

The best solution:
Two OS' on one computer/laptop!
For Example, i have Linux and Win7 on my computer.
That is a good solution for guys which want to play games and have a OS for good filemanaging!

alt Re: the best OS for you

Maniac from K
User Off Offline

Ultimate programmer hat geschrieben
W7 is better,example,there you can do resolution 16*9,visual keyboard,lope... have down Windows plate with functions:
1)dir:you click it and spawn small window with open dirs
2) hiden icons:you click and spawn small window with icons the part is animated
3)connections:list of avaleble connections
4)+have iron style of windows:bolts,nails(:)...
5)all windows open with step 0.5 mm if other window close it
6)have down plate of window with information
7)have scarch files at all windows
8)my enternet have Bing translator
9)Two screens
     1-Work Box/table
     2-Start screen with ocean before screen Work table

Don`t match with W7 on netbooks and W7 on PC-this a different things!

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Linux of course, but Windows when it comes to gaming.

(even though you need a moster PC to play on Windows 7 because it eats half of your specs.)

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Windows FTW!
I currently prefer XP, for its monstrous compatibility with games. And the fact I can have Windows 7 and Vista visual on it! So why buy the bugged Vista or the not-so-compatible 7 when you can have their gorgeous look in the really-compatible-for-everything XP!? I even managed to get Vista's sidebar (I don't know exact name) on my XP!

alt Re: the best OS for you

BANNED Off Offline

Windows 7, since adobe software and microsoft software doesn't work under linux.

And also Windows 7 > Windows XP, because I can work MUCH faster on windows 7 due to the nice features.
1× editiert, zuletzt 02.07.10 14:16:48

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Crazyx hat geschrieben
Windows FTW!
I currently prefer XP, for its monstrous compatibility with games. And the fact I can have Windows 7 and Vista visual on it! So why buy the bugged Vista or the not-so-compatible 7 when you can have their gorgeous look in the really-compatible-for-everything XP!? I even managed to get Vista's sidebar (I don't know exact name) on my XP!

+ XP is much (much[much]) lightweightier!
But since I tried out a recent os (Xubuntu running this), I will never work again with that old hag. :p

alt Re: the best OS for you

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

I have w7,it is good! !
But I vote for Linux,I see,linux is very popular OS,I'll try to create my "Game Creator" and for Linux!I will ask DC about this method

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Dark Soul hat geschrieben
Here is my opinion:

- Good for games
- Compatibility with major software;

- Price
- Often slow
- NTFS just sucks
- It's bootloader only detects Windows systems
- bloated.
- The Windows updater only updates Microsoft-software
- Every new Windows version needs more and more RAM.

Mac OS X:
- The design?

- The price (Macbooks cost $3000 or something)
- Extra hardware needed
- I heard that even Linux got more software

- You can do what ever you want with it
- Much easier and cleaner software-management than under Windows (updates whole system by one command)
- Most advanced kernel ever
- ext4 > NTFS
- Most of the supercomputers use it.
- Programming is much easier
- Excellent for Hardware from Stoneage
- Compiz kicks Aero's ass

- Needs time to fully maintain
- Not so much games

Macbooks are 999$ - 1500%
Not so much:P

Admin/Mod Kommentar

Don't quote full posts, when only talking about one sentence in them! /TheKilledDeath

alt Re: the best OS for you

User Off Offline

Pikachu xD hat geschrieben
Linux is legally free? Are you serious?
So far, I have Windows 98, Me, XP, and 7, but I think XP is the best among them.

Same here. XP is awesome for those games that you just gotta play
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