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alt geschlossen Subforums

Admin On Online

The Unreal Software forum now supports subforums in order to handle and sort the big number of posts.

The CS2D forum is currently the only forum with subforums. Other subforums might be added later if required.

Please note that all old posts will stay in the general subforum because it would be too much work to sort them.

Please choose the right subforum when creating new posts!
2× editiert, zuletzt 24.03.11 17:36:11

alt Re: Subforums

Admin On Online

no, this is not related with "off-topic" in any way. it just means that there are now multiple CS2D forums.

just click at the CS2D forum in the forum overview to get an idea:

there's a scripts subforum for example for all Lua related CS2D threads.

edit: aww too slow

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

I have a question, is the "CS2D Modifications" forum ment for complete CS2D mods, or does it include your own threads for smaller things such as gfx/sfx and the sort? (unless the file archive's comment section is enough)

also, Games > Counter-Strike 2D > Forum will still link to general instead of the section-overview,
might want to fix that unless its intented.

EDIT: Oh and is the servers section ment for advertising your server, or for server problems?
(I'd figure all "problems" topic go to general, but just to make sure)

1× editiert, zuletzt 28.12.10 17:24:12

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

Wow! This is so kewl!
No more "go to the Lua thread" for the newbs.

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

Maybe I am a noob, but how to move my thread into mods section?

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

"Old Threads stay in the generals section, because it would be too much work to move them all".
If you have a big mod and want it to be in the correct section send me a PM with the url of your thread and I'll move it for you.

alt Re: Subforums

Admin On Online

- it's for real mod. you don't need to create threads for little gfx or sfx mods. we have the file archive for that

- thanks for the info about the games page link. I'll fix that.

- the servers forum is NOT for advertising your server. I'll probably have to add some sticky rule threads there.

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

Finally! I've been waiting for months, if not years, for this.
Hopefully people will understand that they have to post in the right forum...

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

Awesome DC
Hopefully this will stop people having to pretty much spam "Go to the Lua help thread."
However I do think this may spark some trouble because people will probably post in the wrong sub-forums quite a low

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

Wow I waited for this a long time, nice work :).
But I've got a bug, idk if anybody else got it too, so I'll post it here:

When somebody posts something new, three subforums are marked as unreaden, but theres only 1 new post in 1 subforum.

alt Re: Subforums

Admin On Online

yeah I just spotted the problem as well Yasday. I think it should be fixed now.

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

It is sill there dude, you can even see it through the highlight, lol.

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

With the addition of subforums, I think there should be a subforum for clans and communities. You know, so they could create an entire thread to describe themselves in.

alt Re: Subforums

User Off Offline

thx cause u make sub forums its easy for searching a thread what do u want
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