Off Topic New games 2011 - 2012 palomino has written
Modern Warfare 2 = CoD 6
MikuAuahDark has written
Seekay has written
yes, CoD 6I guess a new CoD
Modern Warfare 2 = CoD 6
You're wrong >_>
CoD 4 = Modern warfare
CoD 5 = Modern warfare 2
CoD 6 = Black ops
CoD 7 = Modern warfare 3
edited 1×, last 24.02.12 04:29:02 pm
xMoTioNz has written
You're wrong >_>
CoD 4 = Modern warfare
CoD 5 = Modern warfare 2
CoD 6 = Black ops
CoD 7 = Modern warfare 3
CoD 4 = Modern warfare
CoD 5 = Modern warfare 2
CoD 6 = Black ops
CoD 7 = Modern warfare 3
No, you're wrong >_>
CoD 4 = Modern Warfare
CoD 5 = World at War
CoD 6 = Modern Warfare 2
CoD 7 = Black Ops
CoD 8 = Modern Warfare 3
xXPikachuXx has written
new cs2d
Why you think we get "Counterstrike 2D II" ?
Admin/mod comment
§2.1 - No needless and/or doubled posts (spam) Corvallis5 has written
No... just no.
Dark Slayer has written
Why you think we get "Counterstrike 2D II" ?
no new version xXPikachuXx has written
new cs2d
Why you think we get "Counterstrike 2D II" ?
all I was doing was recommending a game, I need some clarification here...
Doesn't sound like a game does it? No. If you post like that then of course they will think you're spamming.
Borderlands 2
CoD :Iron Wolf
Mass Effect 3
Far Cry 3
Bioshock : Infinite
Street Fighter X Tekken
Prototype 2
Ninja Gaiden III
DUST 514
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon :Future Soldiers
Resident Evil 6 & Operation Racoon City...
Borderlands 2
Bioshock : Infinite [b](i was waiting for this one but looks like it sucks... no more terror)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon :Future Soldiers