Off Topic Teeworlds Teeworlds
8 replies I used to play it when I was 11. That was like almost 7 years ago. But it's fun in my opinion, tho I won't play it again. i played it when i left cs2d for a while, then i returned to cs2d
P.S : i like catch16 and zcatch servers there Q-Q User Offline
Nig NAG nig..
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I play this game pretty much every day, South Africa has a very active Teeworlds community. IMO the best mod for it is OpenFNG, cannot get enough of it ( though hard for newbies to get into sometimes ). in middle east, no one play it, no one hear of it i liked catch 16 there too, someone could write a mod for cs2d. would be really funny @ 0TT0: CS2D should be only played in standard mode why people make mods like tibia and etc...? Go play teeworlds and forget the mod lol. @ slimK: the standard mode is getting boring, new cool mods are the future, the customizable content made this game so cool.