Since I always remember there support about many problems and situations I'm here to tell y'all about Russian situation with Ukraine:
I'm absolutely not giving afck about people skin colour/language/gender and other human being, but many people is watching TV, where news show to those people many lies.
I know that I'm one, who is guilty to the world's situation between Russia and Ukraine, because we all scared and don't know what to do.
I want to tell You, not all Russians are that shits who want blood and deaths.
Many people is being scared of current situation and run to another countries, because they don't want to die for precipice of Putin and his ambitions.
Right now young people is scared, old(, very old ones) is not understanding that Russian government is out of their brains so they doing shit, maybe bcs of God syndrome.
Many people, and me included, are feeling stressed, who are not(partly) guiltily at all, and we're all about peace in the world.
In the theme about War there was fascists is completely identical and different things. In the first one - I was not living in these times I'm not the one who is used to fight after other people, second is that I'm living in another time and not about to kill people. But Russia is now like a fascist, that just killing people for nothing, they make legends and lies about Ukraine.
Be peaceful and take care of Your closest friends and family.
edited 1×, last 02.10.22 07:30:14 am