can any body tell me how do the command
!makevip [id]
admins={} --Your almighty admin USGNs go here vips={} --If you wish, you can insert VIPs manually addhook("say","makevipcommand") function makevipcommand(id,t) 	for _,uid in pairs(admins) do 		if t:sub(1,8)=="!makevip" and player(id,"usgn")==uid then 			local iid=tonumber(t:sub(10)) 			vips[#vips+1]=player(iid,"usgn") 			msg("Behold, everyone! "..player(iid,"name").." has just been promoted to VIP!@C") 			msg("All hail "..player(iid,"name").."!@C") 		end 	end 	for _,uid in pairs(vips) do 		if player(id,"usgn")==uid then 			msg("Oh look, "..player(id,"name").." is a god damn VIP! All obey his word that shall follow:@C") 			msg(string.char(169).."255255255@VIP@"..player(id,"name")..": "..t) 		end 	end end