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Englisch CS2D Max - Suggestions

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alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Admin On Online

packing all these files in a big one is not necessary and maybe even a bit stupid. they can be compressed on the fly. so the server compresses a file / part of a file before sending it and the client does the uncompression.

this leads to minimum of data which has to be transferred. you only have to send the stuff which has to be send and its size is as small as possible.

however there is nothing testet yet. maybe I'm too stupid to realize a good transfer. In this case I'm going to allow uploading all the maps at or something like that. but I think it will work as I said before.

alt thanx!

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
I'm also not going to comment the suggestions.
thank you!

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

One thing I know from playing CS:S and other games, is that when the server uploads a file to the client (i.e. a map), the files are often compressed using the BZIP2 (.bz2) file compression, and then uncompressed upon receipt by the client. I am not sure how the programming of this function would work in CS2D, but it is just a possibility.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Moderator Off Offline

this would be a novel idea, however, this will use up a lot of the servers bandwidth and also storage, but mostly bandwidth, however it might be a good idea to use clusters of server (not a server cluster tho -.-) where each will host a specific number of maps, thus will reduce the demand on the central server (where all processes must be first sent to to register/play a homemade server)

the compression would actually be very easy, you can base the compression script off of the standard zip or you can make your own, after that just call the uncompress function with the downloaded map as a parameter, after your finished with the extraction simply call a clean-up function to delete the original compressed file

alt original speed of weapons shots

Fox McCloud
User Off Offline

I was looking for the speed of shots of the weapons. It need to be more original. Example: Mac-10 and MP5 need to have the same speed of the shots. And M249 don't need to shot too fast. M4A1 and AK-47 too need to be a few seconds more fast. Well, is it. Put my suggestion if possible. Thank you.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


yeah... Fox said very good comment
the shot of the mac10 is good, the rpoblem is the damange, it need to be reduced, a mac10 is a very bad weapon in the real-life :S

the sniper-zoom of the weapons are a shit >.<!!
make the Soldat sniper-zoom, when you colission with the edge of the screen, it go to there way


alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Fox McCloud
User Off Offline

Marcio hat geschrieben
Fox, shut up...
This is a newbish comment...

Is not a comment. Is a suggestion and not newbish :b

forrestG and leegao, thanks for not discord my suggestion
2× editiert, zuletzt 18.07.07 14:51:16

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

But this suggestion was saied more than 4374893749873847839478937489379478347374973947937497x times... So its newbish because DC already know that...

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

Would be nice to see something like deep water. You move slowly when crossing. This would be good for some tactical maps.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

Fox McCloud
User Off Offline

Marcio hat geschrieben
But this suggestion was saied more than 4374893749873847839478937489379478347374973947937497x times... So its newbish because DC already know that...

Is not newbish. This is necessary and it need to be fixed if possible.

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions

User Off Offline

yeah, but this newbish comment was commented like 28472893728973892 years ago... and he is tired to hear that suggestion again and again... He alredy know everything wath he need to do...

alt Re: CS2D Max - Suggestions


Marcio hat geschrieben
yeah, but this newbish comment was commented like 28472893728973892 years ago... and he is tired to hear that suggestion again and again... He alredy know everything wath he need to do...

why u are writing shit like that, why u just cant say that u was wrong.. fucking kid
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